


Stackable blog thumbnail, showing an illustration of a laptop, a phone and a coffee mug.

Notes on Signed Commits with Git and Github

How can you be sure, that a Git commit is authentic? That it was made by the person it claims to be made by? Git allows for signing commits to provide proof that you authored a commit. The same signing

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Stackable blog thumbnail, showing an illustration of man setting with his mobile phone in hand.

Benchmarking Apache HBase on Kubernetes

TL;DR In this blog post, I describe a benchmarking exercise we conducted to compare the performance impact of running HBase and HDFS on Kubernetes versus running them on bare-metal. The blog post explains the challenges of running stateful workloads on

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Stackable blog thumbnail, showing an illustration of man setting with his mobile phone in hand.

Stackable and Trino Part 3: Migrating Hive Tables Using CTAS

Using CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) SQL statements is a well established method of copying and transforming structured data.Trino’s inherent ability to manipulate data from many different sources, sinks and formats makes this a particularly effective way to move data

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Stackable blog thumbnail, showing an illustration of a man setting and a big laptop beside him.

What Were All Those Project Names on the KubeCon Europe 2023 Page?

When checking out this year’s KubeCon in Amsterdam, the following text snippet caught my attention: „Join containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF, Vitess, Argo, Backstage, Buildpacks, Chaos Mesh, Cilium,

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